Sunday 7 September 2008

Nicolas Cage on target in "Bangkok Dangerous"

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Everything is relative in the realm of hyperviolent movies, and compared to this summer's other character assassination thriller, "Wanted," "Bangkok Dangerous" is a model of restraint and moral uprightness.

It still has more than enough mayhem to stimulate young males, but it doesn't fetishize murder with the same loving sensualness that you saw in "Wanted." This remake of the Pang brothers' 1999 Thai picture was non screened for critics in advance of its Friday acquittance via Lionsgate, but it's a pretty nifty B-movie and should do well for a week or two.

The photo opens with voice-over by Nicolas Cage's Joe, describing his vocation as triggerman: "Work is steady, money's good, merely it's non for everybody." That intro indicates one of the movie's unexpected strengths: a dry common sense of humor, which the core hearing might non even notice. The storey is that ancient one about the gunslinger wHO wants to quit merely agrees to take on one net assignment. Joe travels to Bangkok to hit four-spot targets for a felonious syndicate. He begins to experience pangs of conscience when he meets a beautiful, indifferent pharmacist and learns that one of his potentiality victims really is a noble reformer.

The script by Jason Richman is predictable but workmanlike, and the Pangs' centering rocks. Like most movies these days, "Bangkok" is overedited to provide a frenzied adrenalin rush. But there are sequences -- an assassination in a hotel swimming pool and a motorcycle-and-boat chase through a floating market -- where the editing by Mike Jackson and Curran Pang is quite masterful. The film makes first-class use of the Bangkok locations.

Although many have questioned Cage's selection of vehicles lately, the Oscar-winning star brings unostentatious wit and even a touch of tenderness to his portrayal here. As his bore young acolyte, Shahkrit Yamnarm is immensely likable, balancing a hustler's charm with the ingenuousness of a kid out of his depth. As the deaf pharmacist, Charlie Young has a lovely presence, though she can't surmount the script's schmaltzy moments.

"Bangkok" won't be qualification any appearances at the Oscars, only it is executed with skill and -- a severed tree branch or two notwithstanding -- without to a fault much bloody excess.

/Hollywood Reporter

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Thursday 28 August 2008

Bruker Daltonics Showcasing Novel Proteomics Solutions Based On Mass Spectrometry At The 7th HUPO World Congress 2008

�Bruker Daltonics today is showcasing several new senior high performance mass spectrometry products and applications for proteomics at the 7th HUPO World Congress 2008:

-- maXis� is the world's first high speed Ultra High Resolution TOF (UHR-TOF) mass spectrometer platform, and truly represents a revolution in tandem mass spectroscopic analysis. maXis offers exceptional proteomics performance with sub-ppm mass accuracy, mountain resolution of 40,000 to 60,000 crosswise a broad mass range, outstanding sensitiveness and five orders of dynamic chain - all at the high spectral rate of 20 Hz for MS and MS/MS that is essential for quantitative proteomics and to take broad advantage of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography.

-- ETD II is the next-generation electron transfer dissociation mental faculty for Bruker's HCTultra� high capacity ion trap. It is based on a novel and compact nCI (negative chemical ionization) source with increased ETD/PTR reactant ion generation, resulting in rapid, confident characterization of PTMs such as phosphorylations or glycosylations at sub-fmol sensitivity. In combination with the major and underlying ETD efficiency and predisposition advantages of the spherical high capacity trap excogitation, ETD II is intentional to provide the most sensitive, quickest and most robust ETD fragmentation. Due to HCTultra's inherent m/z range of greater 3,000 and its superior mass resolution that can buoy resolve 3+ and 4+ charge states of peptides on-the-fly at full analytic speed, ETD/PTR on the HCT-Ultra throne even be used for up to 12 kDa proteins and beyond.

-- MALDI-TDS� Top-Down Sequencing (TDS) solution provides unparalleled levels of information from undigested proteins in pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications, including C- and N- terminal assignments even in the pillowcase of N-terminally blocked proteins. MALDI-TDS is available on Bruker's top-of-the line ultraflex� III TOF/TOF system for the characterization of PEGylation sites and other protein modifications of vital importance in fields such as recombinant protein yield, biologics drug development and quality restraint. MALDI-TDS has clearly proved its utility in the recent ABRF Protein Research Group (PRG) 2008 Study for the identification and differentiation of various truncate proteins of the like origin and provided 100% protein episode coverage. Bruker's unique SmartBeam� is the enabling engineering for MALDI-TDS, complemented by next generation BioTools 3.2 top-down bioinformatics.

-- The high sensitiveness SmartBeam� MALDI ion funnel source has now been coupled with the ultra-high mass resolution apex-ultra� FTMS, representing a 'perfect match' for MALDI small molecule tissue paper imaging, including drugs and metabolites from animals dosed at curative levels, e.g. at or below 5 mg/kg. With mass resolution greater than 900,000 (at 7 Tesla), the cluttered spectra produced in small-scale molecule MALDI imaging of tissue samples are readily resolved, allowing for the first time MALDI-MS imaging of modest molecules without the necessary to purpose MS/MS (SRM) for chemical background suppression. The high mass truth combined with Bruker's SmartFormula� software mechanically provides heart formula determination for detected molecules. This new imagery solution promises to advance areas such as drug development and delivery, clinical and pathology research, as well as other areas such as lipidomics.

-- EASY-nLC� is a Bruker-supported nanoscale LC system with 1D and 2D separation capabilities. Due to the true split-free gradient mix it avoids cumbersome maintenance, and guarantees robust, steady and honest operation. EASY-nLC dramatically reduces total solvent consumption and enables fast separations with peak widths less than 5 securities and Exchange Commission. The control by Bruker's Hystar� software system supports all proteomics applications on the maxis, micrOTOF-Q II, HCT ion trap, Flex MALDI and apex of the sun's way FTMS instrument series for complete, prison guard LC/MS/MS solutions.

The new Bruker mass spectrometry products and applications for proteomics will be presented throughout the HUPO conference with more than 30 scientific contributions. During two Bruker Daltonics' lunch seminars on Monday and Tuesday highborn "(R)evolution in Biomarker Discovery", a prestigious researcher's jury including Helmut Meyer (MPC Bochum), Andrew Pitt (Univ. Glasgow) and Ron Heeren (FOM Amsterdam) will submit talks detailing proteomics applications based on the novel developments.

Bruker Daltonics Executive Vice President Dr. Michael Schubert commented: "At this year's HUPO World Congress in Amsterdam, Bruker Daltonics is continuing its history of mart leading innovations and is proudly cathartic the maXis, an instrument with unprecedented, simultaneous heights speed and ultra-high resolution performance across a broad mass range. In plus, Bruker Daltonics is greatly expanding the capabilities of its existent products through the discharge of several important enhancements, as advantageously as raw and advanced applications."

For further information on the HUPO conference, please see

For more information about Bruker Daltonics and Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR), please visit and hTTP://

EASY-nLC(TM) is a trademark of Proxeon Biosystems, Denmark.

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Monday 18 August 2008

Purple Rain - Singing Dentist Banned From Covering Purple Rain

PRINCE has banned a dentist world Health Organization performs opera versions of modern songs from coating his hit Purple Rain.

Sony BMG offered NHS employee Andrew Bain a record deal after he sent them operatic version of the 1984 hit, reports the NME.

However, getting permit to use the song appears to have been like pull teeth, with PRINCE unconditionally refusing inclusion of the tune on Bain's album.

"Without Purple Rain I wouldn't be where I am today," aforesaid the tooth doctor after learning he would not be able to use the song.

"I struggled until I took a chance, interracial my operatic style with pop in Purple Rain, and realized my dreams."

Artists whose song Bain will be cover on the record let in ABBA, BRYAN ADAMS and DAVID BOWIE.

Elsewhere, Bowie recently collaborated with LOST IN TRANSLATION star Scarlett Johansson on her album of TOM WAITS covers.

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Friday 8 August 2008

Don Jagwarr

Don Jagwarr   
Artist: Don Jagwarr

Rap: Hip-Hop



   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 13

Don Jagwarr, a native of Trinidad, combines hard-core rap, raggamuffin, and West Coast G-funk grooves into what he calls ragga-funk. He first-class honours degree appeared on Ice Cube's "Wicked" and was by and by sign to Street Knowledge/Priority. His debut, Attenuated, appeared in 1994.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Dino Saluzzi

Dino Saluzzi   
Artist: Dino Saluzzi



Cite De La Musique   
 Cite De La Musique

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 7


   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 9

Once upon a Time -- Far Away in the South   
 Once upon a Time -- Far Away in the South

   Year: 1985   
Tracks: 7

Vivencias 1   
 Vivencias 1

   Year: 1984   
Tracks: 4


   Year: 1983   
Tracks: 1

Folk Music From Argentina   
 Folk Music From Argentina

Tracks: 12

Composer, organizer, and foremost bandoneon musician Dino Saluzzi was born in 1935 in Campo Santo, Argentina, the son of multi-instrumentalist and composer Cayetano Saluzzi, and exhausted his childhood in Buenos Aires, where he was a extremity of the Orquestra Estable at Radio el Mundo. By the age of 14 he was already star his possess bands (his low gear was Trio Carnival) and by the eighties he had developed his unequaled bop-inflected and emphatically postmodernist glide slope to the tango, an approaching that has him artfully straddling the melodic past tense, present, and future with casual til now acute balance. For all his association with the international van, Saluzzi silent maintains his allegiance to the regional folk traditions of his youthfulness, and that connection gives his sometimes disunited compositions an uncommon Saluzzi's extended discography includes the albums Kultrum, At one time Upon a Time -- Far Away in the South (both from 1985), Volver (1986), Andina (1988), Argentina (1990), Mojotoro (1991), Rios (1995), Advert de la Musique (1997), Senderos (2005), Juan Condori (2006), and Ojos Negros (2007), most of which were released on the ECM imprint.

Watch Quantum Of Solace Trailer Here - VIDEO

Thursday 19 June 2008

Tibetan Meditation

Tibetan Meditation   
Artist: Tibetan Meditation

Easy Listening


Tibetan Meditation   
 Tibetan Meditation

Tracks: 7


Saturday 14 June 2008

Nancy Ajram

Nancy Ajram   
Artist: Nancy Ajram

Easy Listening


Ya Tab Tab   
 Ya Tab Tab

Tracks: 11


Sunday 8 June 2008

Ike Turner died from cocaine overdose

Soul singer Ike Turner died from a cocaine overdose, according to the San Diego County medical examiner.
The 76-year-old was found dead at his home near San Diego on 12 December last year.
The medical examiner yesterday said that an autopsy proved that a long history of cardiovascular disease and emphysema had contributed to the star's death.
Turner reportedly had a history of cocaine addiction stretching over 30 years.

Friday 30 May 2008

Fox talks about Lost in the future

Actor Matthew Fox, who plays Jack in 'Lost', has been talking about what lies ahead in the series.
Speaking to the film website about his new thriller 'Vantage Point', Fox found the time to talk about 'Lost'.
Following the resolution of the writers' strike in the US, Fox said that he would be going back to shoot more episodes for the fourth series of 'Lost' this spring.
"We probably won't get all of the eight [episodes] we owe," said Fox, "but I'm sure we'll get five or six of them."
Fox remained coy on the development of his character, Jack, and whether he would become a hero or villain in the series.
He said: "I think the idea of hero or good guy, bad guy is sort of an antiquated notion in a lot of respects. I think it's more interesting to accept the complexity of all of us and hope that he makes heroic choices in very difficult circumstances."
He continued: "I really feel like 'Lost' and what I'm getting to do on that show is pretty complex, and it's evolving as well. (Jack) sort of started as this idea. Everybody wanted him to be this heroic guy, and actually, he's really flawed and the island is stripping away this deep compassion in him and bringing out a much darker side, so there's an evolution that's happening in the character that's always been important to Damon [Lindelof, 'Lost' creator] and myself."
Of the fourth series, Fox said: "I think the fourth season will close those two moments of time of Jack in the future and Jack feeling like he's being rescued. The season will be about answering all those questions of who got off with him? Who's in the casket? Why does he want to go back, this guy of all people? Why is he suicidal and desperate to go back?"
In his interview with, Fox did offer a hint about the timeframe of the series, when asked how much time had passed on the island since the aeroplane crash.
He said: "If you're going to talk about from Jack in the plane crash to Jack in the future, that's about a year-and-a-half, and Jack on the island now would be about 120 days."
For more on 'Lost', read our blog here.
Visit the show's website here.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Pamela Anderson seeking an annulment

Pamela Anderson seeking an annulment

Former 'Baywatch' wizard Pamela Anderson is reportedly seeking to have her man and wife to Rick Haym Salomon annulled.
According to People magazine, the actress cited "fraud" as the reason for the abrogation in royal court written document.
The papers were filed last Fri at Los Angeles

Aniston to move closer to boyfriend?

Sunday 4 May 2008


Artist: Wolfnacht



Toten Fur W.O.T.A.N.   
 Toten Fur W.O.T.A.N.

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10


Egyptian Empire

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Jesse Somfay

Jesse Somfay   
Artist: Jesse Somfay



We Breathe The Stars Through Each Other Vinyl   
 We Breathe The Stars Through Each Other Vinyl

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2

Between Heartbeats-(ARCHIPELCD02)   
 Between Heartbeats-(ARCHIPELCD02)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 10


Saturday 26 April 2008

Pimp my song

Pimp my song

You don’t have to woman of the street yourself to sell your music these days, simply it mightiness serve.

Concisely afterwards Fresh York Gov. Thomas Stearns Eliot Spitzer’s sex scandal made headlines, the reality learned that his 22-year-old call girl of option, Ashley Alexandra Dupre (too known as Kristen), was a fledgeling r & b isaac Merrit Singer.

Which turned out to be good newsworthiness for, an up-and-coming independent music download World Wide Web web site whose offerings included Dupre’s song “Move Ya Consistence.”

Overnight, Dupre - and AmieStreet - had a huge hit.

AmieStreet cofounder and director of marketing Josue Boltuch isn’t tears around the developments.

“ definitely power saw a traffic addition,” he said. “A draw of people became interested in Ashley, only they were as well introduced to a unit freshly means of discovering and downloading music. Ashley proved that ours is a democratic system which levels the playing field for artists big and small.”

What Spitzer-driven curio seekers discovered was a newly conception in digital retail: fan-driven pricing. AmieStreet offers songs as unblock downloads - at number 1. If a song becomes popular, AmieStreet starts to charge for it and the price rises with the number of downloads. Albums are besides available, many offered at no shoot and nearly costing less than $5.

Dupre’s song fix an AmieStreet criminal record, rising from nada monetary value to 98 cents (the maximum price for a single) in just five-spot hours.

Boltuch was a Brown University senior when he and his partners developed the AmieStreet business model. By 2007, they’d gathered an impressive name of corporate sponsors, including

“We watched the digital rotation convey off and power saw how it worked,” Boltuch said. “We realized that people had a tremendous cacoethes about music, only there was likewise this huge unplug when it came to the acquisition. Without a tangible product to hold in their manpower, citizenry seemed reluctant to make up. AmieStreet makes sense from a variety of consumer standpoints. We’ve gone later a broad customer qaeda that includes multitude wHO only want resign music, those willing to give iTunes prices, and the gray expanse in betwixt.”

Boltuch says AmieStreet hopes to build a community of music enthusiasts. Customers are encouraged to entrust recommendations, which earn credits toward

Ismael Serrano

Paltrow admitted to hospital briefly?

Paltrow admitted to hospital briefly?

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow was reportedly admitted to a hospital in Freshly York for a

Ferrell a huge hit during UCD appearance

Ferrell a huge hit during UCD appearance

Top Hollywood star Will Ferrell last night appeared in University College Capital of Ireland to accept a prestigious award in front of 1,five hundred students.
The 40-year-old star of 'Anchorman' was dressed in the full Irish whiskey rugby football kit as he accepted the James River Joyce Awarding from the Literary and Historical Society for his outstanding donation to comedic playacting.
Ferrell had a packed O'Reilly Hall in stitches end-to-end his XL minute of arc speech where he joked: "As I wait out at this crowd together, I see the futurity of Ireland, the future of European Economic Community. And let's face it, the future looks fairly bleak."
The lead as well wheel spoke around his two-week head trip of Hibernia with his brother St. Patrick and don Roylee, whose mob come from Co Longford.
He said: "The trip has been a spot of craic and I'm non talking about talk and laughter, I'm actually talking about crack cocain."
During his holiday Ferrell travelled to Galway, Mayonnaise, Belfast, Bushmills, Cork, Waterford and Longford. He joked: "The photos ar totally over Bebo if you need trial impression."
Ferrell added: "I'm so committed to my Irish people roots that I intend to persist in wearing this turnout (rugby football kit) upon my riposte to the US. I will also continue to force back on the left hand side of the road.
"Volition it be dangerous? Yes. Is it illegal? Highly. Just that's simply how committed I am."
His address likewise touched on what he believes are his similarities to James River James Augustine Aloysius Joyce; Westlife and a dig at UCD's rival Sacred Trinity College Irish capital.
Generating huge applause he said: "The truth of the matter is those guys ar loss to be working for you."
The star, world Health Organization commands $20m a moving picture, joins other public figures honoured by the L&H, including United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix, faculty member Noam A. Noam Chomsky and former Due south African chair FW De Klerk.
Ferrell told the L&H: "I'm sincerely honoured to be in the saame company as previous recipients".

Friday 25 April 2008

Blood Brothers at the Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre

Blood Brothers at the Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre

The Prunus persica Dramaturgy Companionship production of Ancestry Brothers shows that sometimes an amateur presentation can feed the professionals a run for their money.

But then the lines betwixt amateur and professional productions toilet be a little blurred when professional companies, wish Auckland House Troupe, manipulation students to flesh out large throw shows and community theatre of operations groups like Peach Dramatics cast pro actors.

By any standard Blood Brothers is an ambitious production, with 11 actors and six-spot musicians taking on 15 songs from a much-loved furore musical theater. Earlier commissioned as a show for secondary school children, Willy Russell's Rakehell Brothers has played at the Occident End for to a greater extent than 20 old age, north Korean won numerous awards and is performed some the world.

A variation on the Cain and Abel story, Blood Brothers uses the tarradiddle of fraternal twins separated at birthing to research everything from nature vs bring up to the British division system and superstition.

Spell it doesn't have the blueprint aesthetic or big budget finish of a professional person production, this show is a heartfelt retelling of the chronicle that captures the ups and downs of workings course of study life with a rambunctious mushiness.

Annie Sir Frank Whittle was a terrifically earthy Mrs Johnstone, delivery to life whole of the contradictory strengths and weaknesses of the Scouser matriarch. Her songs were full of emotional tumult and regrets for legal injury choices made but at times her singing sounded underpowered and it would have been good to learn her belt it out more.

Ray Woolf's teller was a strong catalyst for pushing the story along with an about sinister influence on the characters' lives. He commanded the stage,